Category: Gemstone Names

  • Black Onyx: Stone of Power

    Black Onyx: Stone of Power

    Black onyx is a sought-after gemstone for jewelry. What exactly is the black onyx gemstone? What do people wear the black onyx stone for?

  • Green Aventurine: Stone of Luck

    Green Aventurine: Stone of Luck

    Green aventurine is a shimmering variety of green chalcedony popularly kept as a good luck charm. What makes green aventurine the stone of luck?

  • Agate: Stone of Prudence

    Agate: Stone of Prudence

    Agate is a banded gemstone believed to fight the Evil Eye. How was agate famed to be such a powerful talisman? What makes agate the stone of prudence?

  • Carnelian: Stone of Passion

    Carnelian: Stone of Passion

    Carnelian is the translucent red variety of chalcedony widely worn by public officials of antiquity. What is carnelian? What makes it a stone of passion?

  • Red Jasper: Stone of Perseverance

    Red Jasper: Stone of Perseverance

    Red jasper remains quite popular in jewelry today. What is this red jasper stone? What metaphysical properties are attached to the red jasper gemstone?

  • Moss Agate: Stone of Friendship

    Moss Agate: Stone of Friendship

    Moss agate is not in fact an agate, but a separate type of chalcedony. What is this moss agate stone? What meaning and powers are attributed to the gemstone?

  • Obsidian: Stone of Grounding

    Obsidian: Stone of Grounding

    Obsidian is a black stone believed to be a powerful grounding stone. Does obsidian only occur in black? What makes this grounding stone so powerful?

  • Amethyst: Stone of Awareness

    Amethyst: Stone of Awareness

    Amethyst is the violet variety of quartz. Is amethyst still a precious stone? What are the metaphysical properties attributed to an amethyst stone?

  • Sardonyx: Stone of Bravery

    Sardonyx: Stone of Bravery

    Worn as talisman by Roman soldiers, sardonyx is the red and white variety of agate. How was this sardonyx gemstone believed to be a stone of valor?

  • Tiger Eye: Stone of Courage

    Tiger Eye: Stone of Courage

    The tiger eye stone is a yellow gemstone characterized by chatoyancy. What gives the tigers eye stone this iridescent luster? Why do people wear the tiger eye gemstone?

  • Rock Crystal: Stone of Clairvoyance

    Rock Crystal: Stone of Clairvoyance

    Rock crystal is the pure form of quartz, popularly cut into the crystal balls used in divination. What makes clear quartz the stone of clairvoyance?

  • Chalcedony: Stone of Virtue

    Chalcedony: Stone of Virtue

    Chalcedony is a white or blue gemstone that was a favorite talisman of sailors. What exactly is chalcedony? What makes chalcedony a stone of virtue?

  • Rose Quartz: Stone of Fertility

    Rose Quartz: Stone of Fertility

    Rose quartz is the pink variety of quartz. The crystal was used by ancients to preserve beauty. Why is the gemstone called a stone of love and fertility?

  • Jade: Stone of Fortune

    Jade: Stone of Fortune

    Jade is a gemstone treasured as a charm of good fortune. Yet the name jade in fact refers to two minerals. What is jade? What makes jade the stone of fortune?

  • Moonstone: Stone of Security

    Moonstone: Stone of Security

    Moonstone is a gemstone associated with the moon, and believed to protect travelers. What is moonstone? What makes moonstone the stone of security?

  • Bloodstone: Stone of Freedom

    Bloodstone: Stone of Freedom

    Bloodstone is green chalcedony with red spots. To this day the stone is used to keep the blood healthy. How was the gemstone called a stone of freedom?

  • Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Purity

    Lapis Lazuli: Stone of Purity

    Lapis lazuli, not sapphire, was the blue gem of antiquity. What is lapis lazuli? How did this gemstone become the stone of royalty, as well as of purity?

  • Hematite: Stone of Charisma

    Hematite: Stone of Charisma

    Hematite is an iron ore worn in courts since antiquity in the hope of earning favorable judgment. Is it true that the gemstone enhances personal charm?

  • Black Tourmaline: Stone of Calmness

    Black Tourmaline: Stone of Calmness

    Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is a black gemstone of fine quality, yet rather affordable prices. How is black tourmaline called a stone of calmness?

  • Jet: Stone of Restoration

    Jet: Stone of Restoration

    Jet is a gemstone found in cave relics, and is itself millions of years in age. What exactly is this jet stone? What makes jet a fine mourning jewelry?

  • Sodalite: Stone of Clarity

    Sodalite: Stone of Clarity

    While confused with lapis lazuli, sodalite is a different gemstone that occurs as crystal as well as opaque stone. What makes sodalite a stone of clarity?