Birthstones by Zodiac Sign > 5 Choices of Pisces Birthstone

5 Choices of Pisces Birthstone

Pisces are warm and hospitable people, and birthstones for Pisces have been identified since time immemorial. These Pisces birthstones act as charm or lucky stone for Pisces, generally to support the Pisces person’s natural interest for the spiritual and metaphysical. Do you know the different gemstones for Pisces? Here is a list of Pisces gemstones.

Pisces Necklace - Lavender Amethyst Pendant and Clear Quartz Beads
Pisces Charm Necklace: Lavender Amethyst Pendant and Clear Quartz Beads

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Pisces Birthstones

  • Main: Amethyst
  • Alternate: Aquamarine & Rock Crystal
  • Planetary: Aquamarine & Topaz
  • Talismanic: Ruby


Besides being identified as the astrological birthstone for Pisces, in both Western and Hindu astrology, amethyst is the traditional birthstone for the month of February in most ancient calendars — namely, the Hebrew, Arabic, Italian, Polish, Roman, Russian, and the Ayurvedic or old Indian calendar — and remains the February birthstone in modern gemology. This Pisces birthstone is the transparent violet or lavender variety of quartz.

Purple Amethyst Ring
Purple Amethyst Ring

Amethyst is believed to bring peace, love and happiness. This gemstone for Pisces is also thought to enhance spirituality and dreams, as well as courage and healing. Invoking gentle and affable qualities, the Pisces stone is indeed representative of the zodiac sign Pisces. See also —

Clear Quartz Ring
Clear Quartz Ring

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz, also known as rock crystal, is specifically identified by astrologers as zodiac stone for Pisces. This Pisces birthstone is quartz in its purest form, clear and free from intrusion; otherwise the gemstone would be called by other names: amethyst when violet, and citrine when yellow. Indeed, the lucky stones for Pisces, amethyst and rock crystal, are the same mineral, just different in color.

Tremendous supernatural powers were attributed to clear quartz. Hindu beliefs hold that wearing the Pisces gemstone while pouring libation for the dead gives the dearly departed immense happiness. This Pisces stone is also said to help a person divine the future, and was itself fashioned into the famous medium for divination: the crystal ball. Clear quartz indeed suits the Pisces people, who are naturally drawn to the paranormal and spiritual. See also Rock Crystal: Stone of Clairvoyance.

Milky Aquamarine Necklace
Milky Aquamarine Necklace


Besides being identified as zodiac birthstone for Pisces, aquamarine is the planetary stone for Pisces, being the stone associated with Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces. Aquamarine is the blue variety of beryl, which when green is called emerald. This Pisces birthstone, like rock crystal, is believed to give its wearer foresight and clairvoyance, as well as enhance intelligence. The Pisces gemstone is also thought to relieve anxiety, boost courage, and bring youthful happiness.

White Jade Bracelet
White Jade Bracelet


While also assigned to the zodiac sign Virgo, Jade is another Pisces birthstone. Reinforcing this Pisces gemstone’s position is its place in the Buddhist calendar, as the latter designates jade as birthstone for March, in which month Pisces people are born. This Pisces stone is a gemstone consisting of two chemically unrelated minerals, namely, jadeite and nephrite. Jade is widely believed to be a stone of luck, and indeed makes a good lucky charm for all people, not least the Pisces folk, who are rather ambitious even as they are kind and emotional. See also Jade: Stone of Fortune.

Yellow Topaz
A yellow topaz specimen
Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0


Before Neptune was discovered in 1846, the ruling planet of Pisces was Jupiter. Topaz is the gemstone associated with Jupiter, and is hence also planetary stone for Pisces. In the middle ages the name topaz used to apply to any yellow gemstones, but now the term is limited to transparent stones that, beside yellow, also occur in red and blue. This Pisces birthstone is believed to increase strength, improve eyesight, and protect its wearer from injury.

A magnificent ruby specimen
Source: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0


Ruby is the talismanic stone for Pisces. Talismans are amulets or other pieces of jewelry believed to bestow magical powers to their wearer. Pisces talisman is engraved on ruby. This Pisces birthstone is the red variety of corundum, the second hardest mineral, which would otherwise be called sapphire when occurring in a different color. Ruby is believed to stimulate wisdom, and make a person successful in relationship. The Pisces stone is also thought to make its wearer capable of living in peace with enemies: a trait that is prominent among Pisces people.

Pisces Necklace - Large Lavender Amethyst Pendant and Clear Quartz Beads
Pisces Charm Necklace: Large Lavender Amethyst Pendant and Clear Quartz Beads

More Pisces Birthstones

In an extensive research, I discovered 5 Pisces gemstones that are not listed on this page. Three of them were assigned to Pisces’ ruling planet.

Get to know more Pisces stones, as well as the magical powers of all birthstones, when you read my book Power Birthstone.

Power Birthstone

Learn about your birthstone and zodiac gems

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