What is the birthstone for June? In fact, the question is more accurately put, what are the birthstones for June? There are, all in all, eight birthstones of June, the sixth month of the calendar. How well do you know the different June birthstones? Let’s take you through the 8 types of June birthstone.
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June Birthstones
- Modern: Pearl & Moonstone
- Alternate-US: Alexandrite
- Traditional: Cat’s eye, Turquoise, Agate & Alexandrite
- Ancient: Emerald, Agate, Chalcedony & Pearl
- Tibetan: Moonstone
Pearl is the modern birthstone for June in the Western calendar, as well as the June birthstone in the Indian calendar, both the contemporary and the old or Ayurvedic. Pearl was likewise the traditional June gemstone in the old Arabic calendar. Before pearl found its way into the Julian calendar, the birthstone of June was the zodiac stone for Cancer, as well as Gemini, both signs partly falling in the month of June. This June stone is produced, not by geologic manner, but by biological process taking place inside a mollusk, which tries to coat a foreign body with mother-of-pearl, thereby giving birth to the round gemstone. The gemstone for June is regarded as a stone of purity, and is believed to bestow wisdom, protection and good luck. See also —
Moonstone is another modern birthstone for June in the Western calendar, as well as the June birthstone in the old Tibetan calendar. Before moonstone appeared in the Julian calendar, the stone for June was the zodiac stone for Cancer and Gemini, who are both partly born in the month of June. This June gemstone is feldspar mineral made up of alternate layers of orthoclase and albite, which give the gemstone the appearance of glowing from within. The birthstone of June is thought to relieve anxiety and stimulate clairvoyance at the same time. See also Moonstone: Stone of Security.
Alexandrite is the modern birthstone for June in the United States of America, as well as a traditional June birthstone from as far back as the 15th century. This June stone, like cat’s eye, is a variety of chrysoberyl, but one that changes color depending on the light. Specimens of the alexandrite from Russia change from green during the day to red at night. Other crystals of the gemstone for June may be yellow or pink at daytime.
Who comes with summer to this earth,
And owes to June her hour of birth,
With ring of agate on her hand
Can health, wealth, and long life command.— Gregorian birthstone poem
Agate was the traditional birthstone for June from as far back as the old Arabic, Polish and Russian calendar. Before the gemstone went into these calendars as birthstone of June, agate was the zodiac stone for Gemini. This June birthstone is banded chalcedony that occurs in a wide variety of colors. The June gemstone is believed to stimulate eloquence, as well as bring calm and focus. See also Agate: Stone of Prudence.
Cat’s Eye
Cat’s eye was a traditional birthstone for June from as far back as the 15th century. The June birthstone is also known as cymophane from the mineral chrysoberyl. Yellow in color, this June stone is distinguished for its chatoyancy or iridescent luster, which resembles the eye of the cat, hence the name cat’s eye.
Turquoise is another traditional birthstone for June from as early as the 15th century. This June birthstone is among the most valuable of opaque stones, and occurs in a light blue color, to which the gemstone for June lent its name — turquoise. The June gemstone is believed bring courage and luck, as well as relieve mental stresses.
Chalcedony was a traditional birthstone for June from the times of the ancient Arabic, Polish and Russian calendar. While the gemstone refers to a wide variety of quartz stones that include agate, carnelian and onyx, chalcedony as a June birthstone is popularly taken to mean the white chalcedony, or its bluish white variety. This birthstone of June is thought to relieve depression and bring emotional balance. See also Chalcedony: Stone of Virtue.
Emerald is the traditional birthstone for June in the old Italian calendar. Before the gemstone appeared in the ancient calendar as June birthstone, emerald was the zodiac stone for Cancer, as well as the talismanic stone for Gemini. A transparent gemstone, this gemstone for June is the highly valuable green variety of beryl, counted among the four precious stones of the modern age. The June stone is believed to promote emotional well-being, as well as stimulate clairvoyance.
June Birthstone Color
What color is June birthstone? The main birthstone color of June is white. Pearl, moonstone and chalcedony are white. However, the other birthstones for June come in other colors. Cat’s eye is yellow, turquoise blue, and agate can be any color; while alexandrite shifts from green to red, and back. If a secondary color of June birthstone has to be determined, that color would probably be green. Emerald is green, alexandrite is half the time green, and turquoise comes in shades of green. Furthermore, both pearl and moonstone have green-colored varieties.
Startling Discovery
In an extensive research on birthstones, I discovered that today’s June birthstone came from Arab and Indian culture. The original June gemstone, on the other hand, is a colored gem of extremely high value.
Get to know the original June stone, as well as the magical powers of all birthstones, when you read my book Power Birthstone.
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